Turkey's first
ISO-15189 Accreditation
Clinical Laboratory

About Us





Banu ULUSOY, M.D. graduated from Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School in 2000. She continued her education as a resident in medical biochemistry at Uludag University Department of Medical Biochemistry. During her residency, she took active part of a number of medical researches about reference ranges, biochemical specialities of breast milk, genetic ethiologies of pathologic coagulation processes, new ethiologic biomarkers of obesity and etc.  She became specialist in medical biochemistry in 2006 with the thesis entitled "Reference Range Analysis of Multiple Antioxidant Parameters” in 2006. Dr Ulusoy worked as a Specialist of Medical Biochemistry in a couple of private and state hospital laboratories between 2006 and 2011, and she then joined to Acibadem Health Group in 2011. She is still working as Specialist of Medical Biochemistry, responsible for medical biochemistry laboratory processes at Acibadem Bursa Hospital Clinical Laboratory since 2011 where broad range and high number of medical tests are being conducted. She speaks English and she is mother of a son.