Turkey's first
ISO-15189 Accreditation
Clinical Laboratory

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Scientific Publications

Articles published in Scientific Journals
  • Coskun A., M. Serteser, A. Fraterman ve I. Unsal, ‘Response to the letter to the editor ‘A new internal quality control chart based on biological variation is not enough’’, Accred Qual Asur, 2008;13:485-6.
  • Coskun A., M. Serteser, A. Fraterman ve I. Unsal, ‘A new internal quality control chart based on biological variation’, Accred Qual Asur, 2008;13:69-75. 
  • Ünsal İ, Fraterman A, Kayıhan I, Akyar I, Serteser M. ISO 15189 accreditation in medical laboratories: An institutional experience from Turkey. Clin Biochem. 42(4-5), 304-305, 2009. 
  • Akyar I. Klinik mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarında ISO 15189 akreditasyonu. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni. 2009, 43(4):683-697
  • Coskun A, Ibrahim Unsal I, Serteser M, Fraterman A. Towards standardization of external quality assessment schemes by using bias values based on biological variation. Accred Qual Asur 2009;14:547-52
  • Unsal I, Coskun A, Serteser M, Inal TC, Özpınar A. Toward standardization of quality assessment in laboratory medicine by using the same matrix samples for both 11 internal and external quality assessments. Accred Qual Assur. 15(11); 621-627, 2010. 
  • Serteser M, Coskun A, Inal TC, Unsal I. How ISO 15189 laboratory accreditation assures patient safety? Journal of Medical Biochemistry. 31(4); 271-280, 2012. 
Speech at Scientific Congresses and Posters
  • Unsal, A. Fraterman, I. Kayihan, R. M. Koser, O. Cetin, E. Yorulmaz, I. Akyar, C. Kotanci, N. Ozturk, P. Cekmeceli, M. Serteser. ISO 15189 Accreditation in Medical Laboratories: An Institutional Experience by Acibadem Labmed Clinical Laboratories from Turkey. (58th AACC American Assoc Clinical Chemistry- Annual Meeting,, June, 2006, USA).  
  • Accreditation of ISO 15189 in clinical microbiology laboratories. Gultekin M., Akyar I., Ünsal İ. Session 9. Round Table: Accreditation of Microbiological Laboratories. 6th. Balkan Congress of Microbiology (Microbiologia Balkanica), Ohrid, Macedonia, 28 – 31 October 2009. 
  • Coskun A. Kalite yönetim aracı olarak Altı Sigma: Laboratuar uygulamaları. XX. Ulusal Biyokimya Kongresi, 29 Ekim – 1 Kasım 2008, Nevşehir (Konferans) 
  • (P230) Klinik Mikrobiyoloji laboratuvarında ISO 15189 akreditasyonu. Işın Akyar, Serpil Ercis, Özem Özen, Nurten Öztürk, Hilal Onaç, Meral Gültekin, İbrahim Ünsal. XXXIII. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, Bodrum, 21-25 Ekim 2008.
  • Six Sigma as a Quality Management Tool: Evaluation of Performance in Laboratory Medicine. Abdurrahman Coskun, Tamer Inal, Ibrahim Unsal, Mustafa Serteser in Quality Management and Six Sigma, Edited by Abdurrahman Coskun. InTech 2010. 
  • Six Sigma. Projects and Personal Experiences. Edited by Abdurrahman Coskun, Tamer C. Inal, Mustafa Serteser. InTech, 2011.